Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Seraphina Shawl

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I finally got all the ends woven in on the Seraphina (or batwing) shawl. Isn't it lovely? I made it from LB's wool-ease. I wish it had less wool content in it, because although it's gorgeous, it makes my back itch to wear it. And the Homespun shawl doesn't have that effect. I plan to wear the Seraphina to work today.. supposed to be in the low to mid 40's as a high. Brrrrrrrrrrr. Time to go get ready. I'll upload more from work if time allows.

The third picture is to show the sparkly of the yarn. :)

btw, this is my first time using photobucket to upload to my blog, we'll see how it goes.

ps: photobucket did OK for loading the pics.. had to resize, but the text wasn't to my liking at all. I had to go in and take out a bunch of extra space.

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