Saturday, January 17, 2009

Water Water Everywhere.. but is it safe to drink?

I'm currently on the prowl for a safer drinking bottle.

I don't like to buy bottled water, it seems such a waste to throw the bottles away when done. (Rural location.. recycling is DIFFICULT here). And reusing them isn't safe.. can lead to leaching of phthalates and bpa. Most water bottles are 1. I just threw out a half dozen that I've been reusing. :(

Really good information and explanations here

So I'm considering buying some Nalgene bottles. (the older ones had bpa in them, but they've reformulated and now are bpa free). but not sure what the recycle numbers are on the bottom of them. I want bottles that have either 2, 4 or 5 as the recycle numbers.

I do use glass when at home, but sometimes plastic is just too convenient.

Now I need to go look at my tupperware and see if I can tell what recycle numbers it has. Yikes!!

And I'm going to stop microwaving things in plastic.....or covering things w plastic wrap before I microwave..

btw.. this makes my dogs KAH.. RAY.. ZEE

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