Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Winter (un) Storm

It was all excitement and no ice.

We did have some freezing rain in the middle of the night .. and it's still cold and wet and ucky outside, but no winter wonderland and no ice on the ground or snow either.

Schools are still in session here. Life goes on.

So I guess I have to be nice as I don't have an excuse for cabin fever ( no holes in my freezer).

And that electric company that put a limiter on the meter where the 93 y/o man lived.. and the old man froze to death... needs to be sued. There should be some sort of requirement that they have to make face to face contact with the elderly and make sure they understand and perhaps a referral to social services if they can't pay their bills. They may have been in the right legally, but morally they were bankrupt.

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